"Hold Tight Alice"
I'm in the mood for spring, wild flowers, and riding rabbits to adventure.
I'm thinking about doing another tiny Alice painting, I've always wanted to paint her in the pool of tears! Prints are available here
I hope everyone is seeing signs of spring! My girls and I are on break this week *whew* we could really use some down time. I think we are gong to do quiet things tomorrow, hair cuts, library and a trip to the smoothie shop! Hopefully later in the week we will make it to the beach!
yes, yes we can feel spring in the air and your painting is full of it too-beautiful. Your quiet time sounds a grand idea, enjoy!
This is so pretty and I love it because it reminds me of Spring!x
Gorgeous picture, so pretty, I love your artwork
Jan x
Very sweet...I would love to go for a ride on a bunny's back.insyc
Hee, after I posted this we had an unseasonable drop to freezing!
thank you for the kind comments and may you all find chocolate bunnies this weekend!
This is adorable, Cat. I love your size ratio of the rabbit and Alice. Such delicate flowers. Hurray for spring!
Just gorgeous! :)
~ Carolee
Oh I love your paintings and came here from moonlight and hares. I'll be visiting again :)
Kim x
I can't wait to watch "The Princes Quest"! And your Alice is adorable! I hope you pop in to see my sculpture and painting that is going into an art show in two weeks!
xoxo Sheri
I just went through your blog and I LOVE your work! We are marching to the same drum! I LOVE YOUR WORK!
thank you all :) Ostrich girl I popped over to your blog and adore your new sculpture!
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