February 09, 2013

Return to Middle Earth...

“The leaves were long, the grass was green,
The hemlock-umbels tall and fair,
And in the glade a light was seen
Of stars in shadow shimmering.
Tinuviel was dancing there
To music of a pipe unseen,
And light of stars was in her hair,
And in her raiment glimmering.

From "The Simarillion" JRR Tolkien
New watercolor I just sent off to California "The Unexpected Art Show" Hosted by TheOneRing.net 
as part of the  2013 Oscar Party weekend. It was wonderful going back to Tolkien's world for inspiration, the hardest part was deciding on what to choose! "The Lay of Luthien and Beren" won out, although I'd like to do another piece with Luthien and Huan! 

February 02, 2013

Olafur Arnalds and Nils Frahm Improvisation in Berlin

I've gone back to this clip numerous times, the creative process is so immediate and inspiring. Since I don't play there is always an added element of mystery when watching musical performances, especially improvisations. I hope you enjoy!